• 一百零八



      电影讲述了驻唱歌手肖兰(吕星辰 饰)离开成都前往什邡,在遭遇男友陆地(高亮 饰)的闭门之痛后决定引产,沮丧之时突遇地震袭击。医护人员全力保护全院孕妇紧急转移至安全区域罗汉寺,自此寺院变产院,禅房变产房。这期间,肖兰亲历了灾难中人性极限的撕裂与挑战......

  • 今夜结束之前



      索兰的新浪潮三部曲之二。另两部是《巴纳巴斯考斯事件》和《拳击手与死神》。  The action of the film takes place in the course of one night at a fashionable nightclub in Bratislava. The leading characters are two young girls who are spending their holiday in Bratislava and two boys who live there.

  • 阿克巴大帝



     本片讲述了16世纪莫卧儿王朝第三代君主阿克巴大帝(里提克·罗申 Hrithik Roshan 饰)与妻子拉杰普特族公主珠妲(艾西瓦娅·雷 Aishwarya Rai 饰)之间的爱情故事。  为了建立一个幅员辽阔的帝国,阿克巴大帝一路征战,在征服了兴都库什山脉之后,他将帝国从阿富汗扩张到孟加拉湾,从喜马拉雅山到哥达维利河。作为一个终身信奉伊斯兰教的君主,为了表示他对印度教徒的尊重,阿克巴与印度教拉杰普特族联姻。这赢得了为他效忠的拉杰普特族人的跟随,给了他很大的力量支持,然而拉杰普特族公主珠妲却不甘于成为宗教政治和宫廷争斗中的棋子,深藏怨恨。征战疆场上的阿克巴大帝最终又能否赢得公主珠妲的心,获得真爱

  • 四目大师




  • 恺撒



      Gheisar is about a young man's drive to revenge those responsible for who raped his sister and murdered his brother.

  • 错误指控1998



      一次演奏会上,小提琴家瑞安(莱斯利•尼尔森 Leslie Nielsen 饰)邂逅了美艳妇人劳伦(凯丽•勒布克 Kelly LeBrock 饰),劳伦对他大抛媚眼,吓得瑞安不知所措。联合国秘书长罗伯特将到哥伦比亚作反恐演讲,劳伦的丈夫希宾负责安排一切。这天瑞安收到了劳伦的邀请,并注明如果他不前来她将自杀。揣揣不安的瑞安如约来到了劳伦的别墅,却发现希宾早已倒地身亡。突然,一名独眼独臂独腿的男人出现将瑞安击晕了。  当瑞安醒来后,他已被警察抓了起来,荒谬的是,瑞安谋杀希宾的罪名成立了。尽管他一再分辩,但他还是被押往监狱。途中囚车意外翻下了山崖,大难不死的瑞安开始了亡命天涯,他一方面要逃避追捕,一方面要设法找证据还自己一个清白!

  • 小屁孩日记:罗德里克规则英语



      “Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Rodrick Rules,” is an all-new animated movie based on the second book in Jeff Kinney’s wildly popular book series. The original song from the film, “Can You Smell Us Now,” written and produced by Jon Levine, with lyrics by Jeff Kinney, and performed by Jimmy Tatro, is also available. Be sure to check everything out, and don’t forget to watch “Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Rodrick Rules” on December 2, 2022, when it premieres on Disney+.    The riotous antics of angst-ridden, disaster-prone middle school student Greg Heffley continue in “Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Rodrick Rules,” focusing this time around on his complicated relationship with older brother Rodrick. A spikey-haired high school student, Rodrick is lazy and undisciplined and spends way too much time practicing with his rock band, Löded Diper. While he loves to torment Greg, he ultimately has a deep affection for his younger brother. Directed by Luke Cormican (“Teen Titans Go!) and written and produced by Jeff Kinney, “Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Rodrick Rules” features the voices of Brady Noon (“The Mighty Ducks: Game Changers”), Ethan William Childress (“mixed-ish”), Edward Asner (“Up”), Chris Diamantopoulos (“Silicon Valley”), Erica Cerra (“Power Rangers”), and Hunter Dillon (“Deadpool 2”). “Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Rodrick Rules” features the original song, “Can You Smell Us Now,” written and produced by Jon Levine, with lyrics by Jeff Kinney, and performed by Jimmy Tatro.

  • 小屁孩日记:罗德里克规则国语



      “Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Rodrick Rules,” is an all-new animated movie based on the second book in Jeff Kinney’s wildly popular book series. The original song from the film, “Can You Smell Us Now,” written and produced by Jon Levine, with lyrics by Jeff Kinney, and performed by Jimmy Tatro, is also available. Be sure to check everything out, and don’t forget to watch “Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Rodrick Rules” on December 2, 2022, when it premieres on Disney+.    The riotous antics of angst-ridden, disaster-prone middle school student Greg Heffley continue in “Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Rodrick Rules,” focusing this time around on his complicated relationship with older brother Rodrick. A spikey-haired high school student, Rodrick is lazy and undisciplined and spends way too much time practicing with his rock band, Löded Diper. While he loves to torment Greg, he ultimately has a deep affection for his younger brother. Directed by Luke Cormican (“Teen Titans Go!) and written and produced by Jeff Kinney, “Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Rodrick Rules” features the voices of Brady Noon (“The Mighty Ducks: Game Changers”), Ethan William Childress (“mixed-ish”), Edward Asner (“Up”), Chris Diamantopoulos (“Silicon Valley”), Erica Cerra (“Power Rangers”), and Hunter Dillon (“Deadpool 2”). “Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Rodrick Rules” features the original song, “Can You Smell Us Now,” written and produced by Jon Levine, with lyrics by Jeff Kinney, and performed by Jimmy Tatro.

  • 辛巴2018



      辛巴(兰维尔·辛格 Ranveer Singh 饰)自幼失去了父母,沦为孤儿。受生活所迫,辛巴不得不在街头流氓大哥的教导之下成为了一名扒手。在年幼的辛巴心目中,看似无所不能的流氓大哥就是这个世界的神。一起行窃的过程中,辛巴和流氓大哥被警察抓住了,看着流氓大哥在警察面前点头哈腰的样子,辛巴的信仰破碎了,他终于明白,在流氓大哥的上面,还有更权威的角色存在,那就是警察。  就这样,辛巴立志要成为一名警察,并在经过了多年的不懈努力之后,终于坐上了警察局局长的交椅。然而,辛巴并不是那种惩奸除恶的好人,他仗着自己的权利和地位和当地流氓团伙沆瀣一气,惹得市民们敢怒不敢言。

  • 好消息2019



      印度孟买,结婚七年一直没有孩子汽车销售员巴特拉·瓦伦与新闻女记者迪普提,决定到医院人工授精。在已经移植成功后,医院告知精子与另一对叫巴特拉的搞混。瓦伦很伤心,一度不想要这个孩子要求迪普提打胎。另一对巴特拉夫妻担心堕胎,赶紧搬到瓦伦家楼上。两对夫妻从开始的冲突,到后期的和谐相处。  七月后,另一对巴特拉妻子早产一女儿。再过二月后,迪普提生下一儿子。  受精医院的院长及妻子的宣传视频上,给病人受精成功就是“好消息”Good News,片名是直译。可能香港的片名:BB驾到,翻译得更好

  • 布拉格来信



      Tells us about a girl named Larasati, trying to fulfill her deceased mother's last wish to deliver a box filled with letters from her past to an old guy lived in Prague. A story about forgiveness, tying loose end and bond.




