• 天荒战神



      地脉方兴,天荒欲破。天荒世界,人族只是无比弱小的族种,面临严峻的生存危险,又是其他种族的血食。人族四大守护年事已高,还没能找到合适的接班人,最后四人决定,将自身的血肉融入天荒大地,凭天地意志选择新的接班人。                                                                      数年之后,姬水村的第一天才——姬小发为神秘女子禹雪所骗,失去了自身的命轮,从而沦落为废人,彻底自暴自弃。                                                                      这一天,护神山的人来到了姬水村,他们接走了资质出众的孩童,以作为下一任的护神山接班人。姬小发命轮破碎,无法一同前往,便只好前往狐爷家,进行修炼。另外一边,荒蛮野兽正在肆意入侵人族部落,一个接着一个的强大反派正慢慢得袭入人族部落,姬小发所面临的彼岸,又将会是什么? 

  • 比特币的崛起




  • 看管人



      Aston (Robert Shaw), a quiet, reserved man, lives alone in a top-floor cluttered room of a small abandoned house in a poor London district. He befriends and takes in Mac Davies (Donald Pleasence), an old derelict who has been fired from a menial job in a café. In time Aston offers him a job as caretaker of the house. Aston's brother, Mick (Alan Bates) - a taunting, quasi-sadist - harasses the derelict when his brother is away, countermanding his orders. Eventually Aston, himself irritated by the cantankerous old man, puts him out.

  • 复仇之夜




  • 深洞




  • 女人是恶魔




  • 辽阔天空



      患有开放空间恐惧症的少女海泽(贝拉索恩 饰)在前往疗养中心途中,于荒野遭到两名蒙面暴徒袭击,受困车内,生死一线间。现在,海泽除了必须想尽办法自这场劫难中存活下来外,还必须克服内心逐渐滋生蔓延的恐惧心魔……

  • 快乐的阿南



      Anand (Rajesh Khanna饰),一个癌症末期的病人,却活得问心无愧,不像其他抑郁和绝望病人,他享受着余下生命的每一刻。他的医生Bhaskar (Amitabh Bachchan饰),被人们亲热地称呼为Moshai先生,他的精神拥有着令人惊讶的力量,以自己的方式让周围的人了解生命的意义。可是,Bhaskar却对Anand的病无能为力…  《Anand》成功塑造了一个勇敢面对死亡的人,这是一部令人感动的电影。该片在1972年的 Filmfare Awards颁奖典礼上获得六个奖项,包括最佳男主角(Rajesh Khanna)、最佳男配角(Amitabh Bachchan)、最佳对白(Sampooran Singh Gulzar)、最佳编剧(Hrishikesh Mukherjee)、最佳影片(Hrishikesh Mukherjee,N.C. Sippy)、最佳剧情(Hrishikesh Mukherjee)。

  • 诺娃



      After her brother was killed by a notorious all-female pirate gang, Morag dedicates her life to bringing the murderers to justice. Soon, she has become an important member of the pirate gang and has begun acquiring the loyalty of key members. Eventually, she makes her move and challenges the leader, a demi-god (literally), known as "The Daughter of the Sun." The story of Noroit is based on an early 17th-century tragedy by Cyril Tourneur, and, though it is only the third one filmed, the movie is the concluding episode in a four-part series by director Jacques Rivette.  “With NOROÎT, Jacques Rivette has joined Federico Fellini as one of the great autobiographical surrealists of the cinema” (John Hughes). Based on the bloody Jacobean play, “The Revenger's Tragedy,” and influenced by samurai films, Fritz Lang, and Samuel Fuller, NOROÎT was shot in a fifteenth-century chateau and a twelfth-century seaside fortress, and stars Geraldine Chaplin as the ghostly Morag, out to avenge the death of her brother who was murdered by a group of women pirates. With its emphasis on ritual, fantasy, and spectacle, “NOROÎT contains the most beautiful images and sounds of any Rivette film” (Jonathan Rosenbaum, Sight & Sound ).

  • 小刺猬与魔法石




  • 玩偶1968



      The Doll is an adaptation of the novel, The Doll (novel) by Bolesław Prus, which is regarded by many as one of the finest Polish novels ever written and, along with Pharaoh (novel), made Bolesław Prus a potential candidate for the Nobel Prize in literature. The influence of Émile Zola is evident, and some have compared the novel to Madame Bovary by Gustave Flaubert; both were Prus's contemporaries. The movie, however, may be more compared to Stendhal's Le Rouge et le Noir, (The Red and the Black).  The Doll constitutes a panorama of life in Warsaw between 1878 and 1879, and at the same time is a subtle story of three generations of Polish idealists, their psychological complications, their involvement in the history of the nineteenth century, social dramas, moral problems and the experience of tragic existence. At the same time this story describes the disintegration of social relationships and the growing separation of a society whose aristocratic elite spreads the models of vanity and idleness. In the bad air of a backward country, anti-Semitic ideas are born, valuable individuals meet obstacles on their way, and scoundrels are successful.  This poetic love story follows a nouveau riche merchant, Stanislaw Wokulski, through a series of trials and tribulations occasioned by his obsessive passion for an aristocratic beauty, Izabela Lecka, played by the famous Polish actress, Beata Tyszkiewicz.  Plot:  As a descendant of an impoverished Polish noble family, young Wokulski is forced to work as a waiter at Hopfer's, a Warsaw restaurant, while dreaming of a life in science. After taking part in the failed 1863 Uprising against Tsarist Russia, he is sentenced to exile in Siberia. On eventual return to Warsaw, he becomes a salesman at Mincel's haberdashery. Marrying the late owner's widow (who eventually dies), he comes into money and uses it to set up a partnership with a Russian merchant he had met while in exile. The two merchants go to Bulgaria during the Russo-Turkish War of 1877-78, and Wokulski makes a fortune supplying the Russian Army. The enterprising Wokulski now proves a romantic at heart, falling in love with Izabela, daughter of the vacuous, bankrupt aristocrat, Tomasz Łęcki. In his quest to win Izabela, Wokulski begins frequenting theatres and aristocratic salons; and to help her financially distressed father, founds a company and sets the aristocrats up as shareholders in his business.The indolence of these aristocrats, who secure with their pensions, are too lazy to undertake new business risks, frustrates Wokulski. His ability to make money is respected but his lack of family and social rank is condescended to. Because of his "help" (in secret) to Izabela's impecunious but influential father, the girl becomes aware of his affection. In the end she consents to accept him, but without true devotion or love.(wikipedia)

  • 你并不孤单



      你不孤独(丹麦语: Du er ikke alene) ( 1978 )这部丹麦未来派电影是由Lasse Nielsen和Bent Petersen编剧,由Lasse Nielsen 导演,由Steen Herdel担任制作人  故事设在丹麦的所有男生寄宿学校,其中一名男孩,Bo (Anders Agens&oslash)与校长的儿子Kim (Peter Bjerg)培养出一种特殊的感情。在电影的一开始校长正试图为建立一个新的体操学校而筹集资金。这可能是一个基督教的学校,因为他们学校的老师为保持良好的基督教道德而每天作祈祷。这个电影讲述的不仅仅是柏,金,和他们日益增长的关系,它还是一个真正的未来的时代的故事。这部电影完美的捕捉了青少年的性萌发期和人际关系发展期,还描述了年轻妇女谁在食堂和一群肮脏的大龄青年。在另一项故事线,一个陷入困境的学生因为展示色情海报而被开除,还有一些学生步行出的班级而发起抗议游行,男孩最终获准返回学校,以便他能毕业。在今年年底毕业典礼,男孩代表整个学校和他们的家人发言,一部短片,他们已经尽一切本身的基础上,诫命“爱你的邻居” 。还以欣快高潮来结束这部影片。

  • 歌声欢唱的树1957



      前东德最好的一部超现实主义幻想剧!  this is one of the most amazing looking,surreal films of all time and i only recently acquired it on video.it was just as good after fond childhood memories of it.highly recommended,with great special effects,and stunning set design,and vivid colour and cinematography.buy with confidence!  This is as you remember watching it as a child. Lifelike, overtly coloured and full of magical splendor, terrifying nasties and surreal characters. In short, do not shy away from this opportunity to show a "Christmas Special" to your children in favour of the usual fare from Disney and co. Rather, pop a fresh batch of pop corn, get first dibs on the comfy chair and opt for what was arguably one of the highlights of East German children's programming.

  • 野蛮人罗纳尔




  • 闪烁恶人心



      丹麦第一神(经)编剧安诺斯托马斯延森和美剧《汉尼拔》扮演者麦斯米科尔森早期电影,两人05年合拍神片《亚当的苹果》 还合作过好多黑色喜剧,本片讲四个黑帮分子偷老大的巨款开餐馆且各自回忆童年,充满荒诞和丹麦式冷幽默,结局(看起来)相当治愈,世纪之交的北欧出了好多黑色喜剧,当时丹麦第一神(经)编剧的功力已现端倪,那时麥叔还没成为汉尼拔,居然演了个背心暴力男......

  • 你好,再见




  • 28天



      Gwen Cummings is a successful New York writer living life in the fast lane and everyone's favorite party girl. She shares this roller-coaster lifestyle of hopping from dance club to bar to hangover with boyfriend Jasper-handsome, magnetic and equally attracted to life on the wild side. Life is just an exercise in debauchery-until Gwen's ungraceful display at her sister Lily's wedding, when she gets drunk, commandeers the limo and earns herself a DUI and 28 days in court-ordered rehab. There, Gwen comes face to face with a unique set of rules (like no cell phones) and rituals (like chanting) embraced by an assortment of fascinating fellow re-habbers: Eddie, Gerhardt, Oliver, Andrea, Roshanda, and Billie Jean. A jaded city girl to the core, Gwen is determined not to conform. Then she meets Counselor Cornell, who begins to break through her carefully constructed defenses and force her to take a closer look at who she really is. Ultimately, through the companionship of! her group as well as a devastating loss, Gwen gradually loses her cynicism and begins the long struggle to take back her life. Maybe, she discovers, your insides can match your outsides.

  • 龙虾汤



      冰島西南海岸雷恰角半島的格林達維克,是個以漁業為生的港口小鎮,人煙稀少、冰天雪地。鎮上有間樸實但獨一無二的「碼頭咖啡」,每天清早,店主人烹調著招牌龍蝦湯,以油滑香熱、噴鮮濃郁的熱湯和熱咖啡,迎接每一個在港邊海風呼嘯的日子。退休的老漁夫,固定在此與老友喝咖啡、聊是非;不時舉辦的音樂演奏會、追思會,傳唱著小鎮故事並凝聚社群記憶。牆上掛的航海照片與「捕魚英雄榜」,記錄了這座小鎮與人們昔日的輝煌。彷彿佇立在世界盡頭的咖啡館,為這當地人自述「除了捕魚,什麼都沒有」的地方,注入了不可或缺的人情與活力。  本片真實呈現一間在碼頭邊屹立不搖的暖心咖啡館,近半世紀迎接大小漁船來來去去,見證小鎮漁業盛衰、觀光熱潮興起,以及周遭地貌變化。在天寒地凍之中,更見一個空間經年累月形塑起的社群連結與情感羈絆,物換星移,依然暖心且暖胃。

  • 致命弯道6:终极审判



      一文不名的青年丹尼(Anthony Ilott 饰)偶然得知他在偏远的西佛尼亚州山村还有亲戚的消息,于是在一个阳光明媚的日子里,丹尼带着女友托妮(Aqueela Zoll 饰)以及维克(Rollo Skinner 饰)吉莉安(Roxanne Pallett 饰)、罗德(Billy Ashworth 饰)等朋友来到了幽静而神秘的霍布温泉庄园。该庄园建于20世纪初,虽然老旧却不失典雅庄严。号称丹尼表兄妹的杰克森(Chris Jarvis 饰)和萨莉(Sadie Katz 饰)殷勤接待了一行人。快乐无忧的年轻人们纵情玩耍,口无遮拦,却不知晓这里隐藏着怎样可怕而惊人的秘密。  对丹尼来说,原本是继承家产的愉快旅程,而今变成了遭受可怕恶魔猎杀的狩猎游戏……

  • 海上秃鹰



      Two smugglers meet two customs officers at sea, and happen to kill them. The story continues fifteen years later when a son of one of the officers and a smuggler's daughter fall in love with each other.

  • 魔鬼末日



      1979年,罗马梵蒂冈教廷意识到和恶魔撒旦有着莫大关系的一名女婴诞生在纽约,二十年后,距离本世纪还剩最后三天的12月28日,撒旦(加布里埃尔·伯恩 Gabriel Byrne 饰)以一名人类银行家的肉身重现人间,丧失了妻女的前任警察杰瑞克(阿诺·施瓦辛格 Arnold Schwarzenegger 饰)和自己的安保团队受雇于伪装的魔鬼,为其提供保护。不久一名神父冒死狙杀撒旦,不幸失败,他在临死前向布瑞克提出警告。布瑞克与同伴按照神父留下的线索找到了女子克里斯汀(罗宾·汤尼 Robin Tunney 饰),得知她是命中注定要与撒旦结合的女性,如果撒旦能在千禧之夜和克里斯汀发生关系,那就意味着世界的毁灭。布瑞克决定不惜一切代价以人类的身份阻挡撒旦……

  • 窃尸奇谭



      In 1828 Scotland, Edinburgh surgeon Dr. Knox does medical research on cadavers he buys from murderers Burke and Hare, without questioning the unethical procurement methods.

  • 电梯惊魂2011




  • 养鬼吃人9:启示录



      某个晴朗假日,美国青年尼克(Jay Gillespie 饰)和好友史蒂文(Nick Eversman 饰)驱车穿越国境线,打算前往墨西哥的提华纳寻找一次绝佳的艳遇。他们很快便锁定了一个性感尤物,但是突如其来的意外让二人的狂欢设想灰飞烟灭。正当他们垂头丧气之际,某当地人送给二人一个精致的魔方。尼克和史蒂文的命运就此改写,他们也有如人间蒸发一般消失。  尼克和史蒂文的失踪给各自家人莫大的打击,在一次家庭聚会中,艾玛(Tracey Fairaway 饰)从两人的行李中找到了那枚魔方,而浑身是血的史蒂文也突然出现在房间内。家人们对此感到惊奇喜悦,却不知道丁头鬼的魔爪正慢慢伸向他们……

  • 狮心兄弟



      9岁的“狮心面包圈”患结核病,而且知道他会死很快。哥哥狮心约拿丹在一次火灾中救人死去,弟弟后来也因病过世,死去后到了天堂,片中那个地方叫“南极优勒”。见到了哥哥,在天堂里哥哥仍然行善除恶,后来在那里又一次死去,从天堂又可以飞升到另一个更高的世界“南极利勒”。狮心兄弟担负着解放蔷薇谷的使命,但是,敌人又是那么强大,几乎是不可战胜的。他们历经了种种危险和惊心动魄的刻……胆小的狮心面包干是如何在危险时刻克服自己的恐惧,勇敢地与邪恶进行斗争。  书中的主人公是一位小男孩斯科尔班,身体虚弱、胆小怕事。而他的哥哥约拿旦•狮心,勇敢、英俊、强壮又无所不知,非常疼爱弟弟。当他害怕死去时,哥哥告诉他:人死后将去就会到南极亚拉,在那里他会立刻变得健康、强壮起来,甚至会变得英俊。在那里,从早到晚都可以参加历险,那里还处于篝火与童话的时代。在家里的一次大火灾之后,白鸽子引导他们先后去了南极亚拉,在那里的樱桃谷如天堂一般,但是生活在附近的蔷薇谷的人们却在暴君腾格尔的统治下,过着恐惧、受奴役、没有自由的生活。于是,狮心兄弟担负着解放蔷薇谷的使命,但是,敌人又是那么强大,几乎是不可战胜的。他们历经了种种危险和惊心动魄的时刻,终于把南极亚拉从暴君腾格尔、恶魔卡特拉手中解放出来。但是,最后哥哥也被恶龙卡特拉的火焰烧着了(而那是致命的)……胆小的斯科尔班是如何在危险时刻克服自己的恐惧,勇敢地与邪恶进行斗争。以及他们如何渡过难关,最终取得胜利。这些只有自己通过阅读去体会才会难以忘怀。旧时光定格,久远地印在心里。一点迷惑,一点莫名的感伤。像早上第一堂课,老师的嘴里唠叨着什么,每个字都重复着“睡吧睡吧”,同学们的脸孔遥远陌生。眼神迷离,不敢彻底伏下头去,等一声惊叫闯来,或者一个玩笑传来。时间过的慢极了,下课铃似乎永远不会响起。  一种童年,一个神奇温暖的梦幻世界。

  • 倾心相印




  • 亨利八世的六个妻子



      The women who married Henry VIII have become defined  not by the way they lived but by the way their lives ended.  They are seen as victims of a bloated tyrant, deserving pity, but not  respect. However, have we under-estimated them and are historians right to  have merely portrayed them as bit-part players in Henry's story?  Using dramatic reconstruction and passionate narration,  eminent historian and presenter Dr David Starkey focuses  on the stories of the women themselves, revealing in  intimate detail their experiences of sex, childbirth and the glamorous,  dangerous life at court, including the deadly intrigues that dethroned  them.

  • 战争的秘密



      故事发生于1943年夏天。Tuur和Lambert是一对好朋友,他们的家乡美丽宜人。从Lambert爸爸的农场到树林里的神秘洞穴,他们在自然的世界里畅游。但是战争的降临却让他们美好的生活一去不复返。Tuur的爸爸和哥哥加入了抗战的队伍,而Lambert一家则选择屈服。  不久,Tuur和Lambert的家乡来了一个漂亮的女孩子,他们三个成为了好朋友,但是女孩却把她的秘密只告诉了一个人。令人意想不到的是,女孩的秘密不仅离间了Tuur和Lambert之间的友情,更为她招来了大麻烦。而对于Tuur来说,这个秘密不仅会让他失去和Lambert的友情,更会让他痛失整个家庭。他必须不惜一切代价同时保证所有人的安全。

  • 我们需要谈谈AI



      Acclaimed filmmaker Leanne Pooley directs this insightful documentary examining the future of artificial intelligence and the impact it will have on our world. As computers continue to evolve at an ever-greater speed, soon they will have the capacity to design and program themselves. Without the help of humans, the next generation of computers will create new and smarter A.I. at an exponential pace. What will these technological developments mean for the future of mankind? Written by GFC Films

  • 叽哩咕历险记



      温暖鲜明的原始绘画色彩,冷静的幽默感加上一点禅意,造就了叽哩咕,这个还在母腹里就开口问妈妈:“把我生出来好吗?”的小家伙。  叽哩咕从娘胎里蹦出来,自我介绍:“我叫叽哩咕”,自助切断脐带洗好澡,立刻向世界丢出大串问题,爸爸呢?被女巫吃掉了,女巫为何那么凶?不知道,你得自己去找答案。祖父说,所有的问题终将导出生命的意义。而女巫的终极秘密,原来正是叽哩咕未出生就爱发问的原因。结果部落人口暴增,失踪的男人都平安归来,而且……




